Join us to promote Palliative Care and Advance Care Planning through advocacy, education, and outreach.

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FREE ONLINE POLST Training webinar: Second wednesday of Each Month, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm

CLick Here to sign up today!

February 12, 2025: 12pm-1pm

March 12, 2025: 12pm-1pm

April 9, 2025: 12pm-1pm

May 14, 2025: 12pm-1pm

June 11, 2025: 12pm-1pm

Please sign up here: POLST Training Webinar. We’ll send you a link for our next available class! One Nursing CEU is offered for RN’s. See you there!


Thanks to all who attended our conference! It was great to see you there! Please save the date for next year’s event: November 21, 2025!!

Want to LEarn More ABOUT THE sdccc?

Please join us for our monthly meeting, the fourth Thursday of each month, 3:00-4:30, featuring an educational speaker and coalition activity updates.

PLEASE NOTE! Our meetings are now in hybrid mode. Please attend either in person or via Zoom.

  • In-person location: 900 Canterbury Place, Ste. 300, Escondido CA.

  • A Zoom link will be provided to members before each meeting.

Please contact us to visit a meeting as a guest: (

All interested parties are welcome to attend!

NEW program! Introduction to Advance Care Planning, conducted in Spanish:

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