REGISTER HERE! Special Dinner Meeting on the health care needs of military veterans: November 14, 2019, 6-8 pm, The Godfather Restaurant, 7878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111
Please join us in November for our monthly meeting (at a special evening time) and learn more about how to support our veteran patients and clients in their health care needs. We are pleased to present Ms. Heidi Kraft, from PsychArmor Institute, an organization that provides educational and training support resources for all who work with veterans. Our discussion will focus on how to engage veterans in advance care planning, how to anticipate particular concerns of veterans in this arena, and how to respond effectively. Our meeting will take place at The Godfather Restaurant, 7878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Nov. 14, from 6-8 pm. A $35 charge includes dinner and soft drinks, and a cash bar is available. Please RSVP and reserve your seat here: